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Second Life business directory

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1. SmartBots: direct group invitation bots SmartBots: direct group invitation bots

SmartBots service allows you to rent a Second Life group invitation bot, which would give out a direct invitation to all visitors of your parcel(s).

2. Everything Must Go Gacha Yardsale

We are proud to offer rentals at a rate of 1. 75L/per prim. While this is a one of the cheapest rates among full-sim Gacha resale yards in SL, we strongly feel that there are many great Sims on the grid to sell from. Come see if we’re a great fit for you :)

3. Virtual Horizons Employment Agency Virtual Horizons Employment Agency

VHEA - Where jobs meet people. Come look for your job, it's waiting for you.

4. Smartmates

SmartMates are your in-world friends. They are able to escort you, follow you and act like your artificial alive pet.

5. Grid Wide News Grid Wide News

Full Spectrum Broadcasting, Tech & Services / Multi-Dimension Global Org | ^MS; MacKenzie Stout: https://www. vizify. com/mackenzie-stout ~ Peperi Franizzi: https://my. secondlife. com/peperi. franizzi [ http://SeeDisclaimer. com ] #GridReport | Twitter: @GridWideNews

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