Insight Designs Textures has any kind of texture you may need to bring life like visions to your building projects. Textures ranging from grungy brick and plaster, to traditional and contemporary textures. The prices are reasonable, and the content is very organized and easy to find and explore. Every texture is ...
Insight Designs Textures
second life business card
inSight Designs is a company involved in design in the virtual world of Second LifeŽ since the beginning of 2008. We make a wide range of high quality full permissions fabric and building textures to help you realise your visions in the most realistic, unique and expressive way. We also offer LSL scripts to help you make your products more versatile and interactive and so improve the Second LifeŽ experience of your customers and make them come back. With many sales and numerous excellent ratings our products have proven over the years to be liked and appreciated by Second LifeŽ residents the grid over.
inSight Designs was founded and is run by Amisha March and Lubo Plubeau. Whilst Amisha is busy designing or creating textures, Lubo is programming and when he finds the time, he also creates a texture pack.
Second Life address:
Fieldfare (241,217,21)
- Services / SL Development / Building and Texturing
- Services / SL Development / LSL Scripting
- Commerce / Shops / Textures
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Insight Designs Textures
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
In Second Life there will ...

In Second Life there will always be something for everyone if he knew where he had seen, and in Second Life are also no restrictions on what you can make in the world of Second Life. You have a dream of owning gallery dress with a model and a very charming ...
It's not very often that ...

It's not very often that you find a shop that focuses just on textures! Especially one that is so well thought out with it's design! Most texture shops are just a wall with a vendor on it since that's all you need to sell textures, but this shop looks very sleek! ...