When buying animations in Second Life, people demand the greatest realism. That is exactly what motion capture technology or mocap offers: captured movements of real actors. In this store you will find all kind of mocap dances and animations. First select your gender, and then choose from all types of dance ...
Henmations - Dances & Animations
second life business card
Providing the most realistic motion captured Animations for Second Life. Dances, Couples Dances, Dancepoles, Dance HUDs, Animation Overrider and more.
Second Life address:
Newtown (128,148,26)
- Commerce / Shops / Animations
- Art and Design / Music, sounds and dance
- Appearance and Personalities / Animations
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Henmations - Dances & Animations
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
You want to showcase your ...

You want to showcase your individuality and style in every aspect of your Second Life. Being able to do so is one of the major advantages of this world. Henmations huge selection of motion capture animations makes it possible to find just the right dance moves to set you apart. Henmation ...
Tired of them old played ...
Tired of them old played out, jittery, static dances that have the word "dull" written all over them? Common dances that hardly make you move or those that make you move yet, forever stay out of sync and don't have that natural realistic flow? Try taking a look at Henimations! This ...