This store offers a wide variety of men skins. The most attractive thing of this store is its simplicity. It is a small store but you will find just what you want at first sight. All skins have a high quality and detail. They all are really realistic and the variety ...
Sacred Skins
second life business card
Our aim is to create attractive high quality and realistic male skins at an affordable price.
We have a growing collection of male skins, all costing just 799L aswell as a few shapes and facial hair tattoo layers that work on any skin.
Second Life address:
Kuu Ipo (212,206,23)
- Commerce / Shops / Skins, Hairs, Avatars, Eyes
- Commerce / Shops / Textures
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Sacred Skins
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Shop specializing in men appearance. ...
Shop specializing in men appearance. Exquisite skins and shapes for all types of men. You will find some ideas for creating your look in Second Life, plus all types of facial hair options to customize your image. Affordable price and high quality for men. Take a look NOTE FOR EDITOR Im ...
As a man in Second ...

As a man in Second Life, I can't tell you how nice it is to find a store just for men. Sacred Skins in Kuu Ipo is just that. Located in a refreshingly bright and open shopping area on the beach, it's a casual male friendly environment. The skins offered are ...
Located on a beautiful beach ...

Located on a beautiful beach sim, the Sacred Skins is a modest and easy-to-use store for purchasing a new male skin. Many skin variations for people of different tastes are on nicely on display. For customers who are not sure what to spend their hard earned lindens on, the Sacred Skins ...