Many virtual companies and businesses need Lindens to operate. Like in real life, one of the way to get money is to get them from other people - in this case "other people" are Second Life's avatars. Here - in Second Life Capital Exchange - you can buy and sell shares. ...
Capital Exchange Stock Market Simulation Game
second life business card
What is Second Life Capital Exchange (CapEx)?
Capital Exchange is a Stock Market Simulation Game operating adjacent to Second Life(tm). Our website provides a platform for trading stocks of virtual companies conducting business within Second Life. Second Life is a trademark of Linden Lab. The website and its affiliates are not part of Linden Lab. By depositing Lindens in the CapEx ATM or using the website, you agree to all the policies and terms of service listed.
What is done at CapEx?
Virtual companies within Second Life need Lindens to operate. Sometimes they dont have enough Lindens of their own to get started. Many seek Lindens from avatars like you within Second Life by offering a share of their virtual company through the purchase of virtual stock. You can buy shares, sell shares - even get dividends from companies that pay them. Like real life, you have to do some research into what companies you are investing in - some companies are better than others. Start building your own Second Life financial empire today!
Where do I get information about companies listed on CapEx?
General information and stock prices for companies can be found at Some information can also be found on the "Stock Trading Floor" located at the Crystal Springs Region (landmark is above in this notecard). Click the company logos on computer screens to receive in-world landmarks and notecards from a company. We highly encourage you contact the company you wish to invest in to get additional information. You can also look in-world at our "stock ticker boards" located throughout Second Life. They will give the latest bid and ask prices of each stock.
How do I open an CapEx account within Second Life?
Deposit L$1 or more into your account through an official CapEx ATM, or click on one of the Affiliate ATMs located throughout Second Life. After that, your account is now active. The ATM briefly beeps, giving you a notecard and a password. Please take note the password for login purposes. If you receive an error message, submit a support ticket on the CapEx website.
How do I operate an CapEx ATM?
1. To deposit L$ into your CapEx account, simply pay a CapEx ATM. Please make sure that you are paying the "CSV Republic" avatar. This avatar is owned by the exchange.
2. To check your available balance, stand near the ATM and type /10 balance.
3. To withdraw L$ from your account, stand near the ATM and type /10 withdraw. If you wanted to withdraw L$100, you would type /10 withdraw 100
4. Note that some ATMs operate on private channel 20. Look at the red sign near the ATM to see which private channel to use.
How do I log into the CapEx website?
1. Open your web browser.
2. Type everything after the colon in the location bar
3. Wait for the page to load.
4. In the right margin of this page, in bold, will be the word Login: with two boxes beneath it saying First Name and Last Name. Put your Second Life Avatars first name in the first box.
5. Put your Second Life Avatars second name in the second box. It will need to be the name of the avatar which you used to fulfill step 1, the account opening process. Finally, put the password you received from step 1 into the password box beneath the name boxes beneath the word "Password".
6. You may opt to mark the "Stay logged in" checkbox in which the site will remember the computers IP address associated with your login and log you in every time automatically.
7. Once you make your selection in 6, click the login button beneath the stay logged in checkbox, whether or not the checkbox is filled. It will log you into the site.
8. Once you are logged in, it will load you to your portfolio page where you will see your deposits and any sub accounts you may have opened.
So there you go! At this point, youre ready to start purchasing virtual stock. Remember some good advice: "Only invest what you can afford to lose." We hope you enjoy this stock simulation, and make a few Lindens profit while youre at it! Any questions, IM CapEx CEO Skip Oceanlane. Thank you!
Second Life address:
Crystal Springs (192,183,27)
- Commerce / Stock Exchanges
Website URL:
Business Images
Reviews of Capital Exchange Stock Market Simulation Game
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
In today's economy it's nice ...

In today's economy it's nice to know that your finances are working for you and you are not just working for them. Today we all know what it is to spend hours working hard for the money but, in these times you need to make sure your money is working for ...
I have visited The Capital ...

I have visited The Capital Exchange Stock on 4 march 2012. The first view of the huge building made a good impression. There is a very easy access to information about IPO, companies listed on the Stock Exchange and also to other services. It is possible to receive the needed information ...