You have probably noticed how certain things in the real world can have an affect on SL. For example, the present economic situation. Less funds in our real lives obviously means we have less to spend in our virtual world. But, having less to spend on those activities and necessities we ...
Sondra's Creations
second life business card
Own designs, good prices, all the fashion you want in my store. If you need something in special for you, contact inworld with Sondra Sawson, you can be different.
Second Life address:
Cold Harbour (132,138,57)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Appearance and Personalities / Individuality Creation
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Sondra's Creations
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
When your foot will touch ...
When your foot will touch for the first time the ground, and your avatar will see this shop, don't be surprised if you will see it smiling. It could be that he, or she, understood before you what this shop is for. Soon you will notice that what you just found, ...
This is one of those ...
This is one of those stores whose owner has good taste and for handmade things. Here Sondra displays her own clothing creations for both women and men. Here you will find from the most exquisite gowns to more casual and modern clothes. Check out her new creations which include dresses reminiscent ...