This store has so much stuff. The vehicles they sell are awesome, the textures used are very well done. Not cheap or crappy looking. The prices are great for those too. The teleporter's are neat, fun to use. The furniture look nice, some are texture change which is really nice. The ...
Bright Corporation
second life business card
The Bright Corporation creates and sells quality products through our MegaShop store in Mizar, our AdultShop in McFarren, and a chain of outlets in every important mall across Second Life. We offer gadgets, vehicles, buildings, furniture, art and erotica.
Bright Corporation Rentals offer over 450 rental homes to Second Life residents: from ground level apartments, through low-cost private, comfortable skyboxes, to floating luxury villas and self-build platforms for between $75 and $450 a week.
We also undertake bespoke development projects for both corporate and private clients.
Second Life address:
Mizar (32,32,2000)
- Commerce / Shops / Gadgets and Vehicles
- Land services / Residential rental
- Services / SL Development / LSL Scripting
Website URL:
Business Images
Reviews of Bright Corporation
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
This is surely a shop ...

This is surely a shop where you will want to stay a lot of time to check the hundreds items sold here! At the landing spot you will be surrounded by many boxes giving you note cards and landmarks of all the business run by this company. Rentals, adult shop, mega ...
In a word is brilliance.Shan ...

In a word is brilliance.Shan Bright has taken unique and molded it into a line of products that rivals some of the "real" worlds best innovators. Even though I have only been in Second Life a few months, I have already come across several of these wonderful items Bright Corp.offers myself. ...