Some of us are all tired of tattoos that are not that kind of an attention catcher. There are tattoos that say for unisex but looks like only for females/males. Cheap Mesh designs that costs over a hundred Lindens but very plain. Cheap clothes or even for free clothes which gives ...
Praga Fashions
second life business card
We have been making tattoos and clothing since 2008 when we launched Praga tattoos, i am an active player in SL, i do custom tattoos for everyone, all original clothing to the latest fashion, very cheap and high quality
Second Life address:
Great Valley (32,5,750)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Tattoos
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of Praga Fashions
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
This is a huge good ...

This is a huge good quality tattoo store placed in a quiet sim. It counts with three complete floors to check and explore. Here you can find fine and high detailed tattoos for men and women and also rigged mesh and non mesh clothing for both genres. They count with a ...
Lovers of drawn skin are ...

Lovers of drawn skin are served! Thanks to Praga Tattoos & Fashion, a store that definitely worth a visit. A ground floor and three other, full of so much stuff waiting to be worn. The strength of the show room are tattoos, that are real art works. Finely drawn, they are ...
The visage which greets the ...

The visage which greets the visitor on arrival is impressive, with the store taking up the entirety of a large four story building on a rustic coastline. Twin flaming torches beckon customers inside, where an order form for bespoke tattoo design is found. The store is divided clearly into two sections ...
Praga Tattoos and Fashions will ...

Praga Tattoos and Fashions will immediately show you that you need to feel comfortable with the environment of nature and other shopping opportunities before you enter the main store. The environment is uniquely designed with some really cute elements like benches and street lanterns. The building is even designed in a ...