Second Life is a virtual world full of people from all around the world and has many shopping places, clubs and lands available for rent. Everyone needs lindens for these transactions and we all need a virtual bank to buy or sale lindens. Xchange4LS is a virtual exchange company for Second ...
second life business card
Xchange4LS is one of the leading exchange marketplaces for the virtual currency Linden Dollar of the virtual world of Second Life
Avatars buy and sell Linden Dollars (L$) via the Xchange4LS marketplace and can pay and receive payments via several payment methods from the real world.
Second Life address:
Xchange4LS (128,128,10)
Website URL:
Reviews of Xchange4LS
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Xchange4Ls is a place that ...
Xchange4Ls is a place that you can buy or sell lindens as well as a place that you can rent land from. When you arrive at Xchange4Ls you will land in the middle of a walkway between buildings. There are boards on either side of you saying Buy or Sell Linden. ...