Rhoadie's Roadsters
second life business card

~Rhoadies Roadsters~
Specializes in High Detail, High Quality, LOW COST Rock n Roll Apparel.
Available in the shop are Rock band tshirts and jeans. Maryilyn Manson, AC/DC, Cher, Pink, Nickelback and More! TP to the store and have a look around! Tshirts are only $5L and Jeans are $15L.
Have a great day!

Reviews of Rhoadie's Roadsters

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

If you are looking for ...

by Lynsey Werefox

If you are looking for reasonably priced rock-band wear, Rhoadie's Roadsters is the place you should be. On the first floor, there is great clothing on the walls for sale, which you can also gift to a friend if you wanted to. The shirts available are band related, like pink and ...

Rhoadie's Roadsters sells heavy metal ...

by SL Resident

Rhoadie's Roadsters sells heavy metal or rocker clothing. You have the option to be in the group for more information about the latest offers. There is a bus signal to open the map to see where we are and if we go elsewhere. In the store we found many clothing with ...

Resident's screenshots:

If you are a music ...

by Albe Watanabe

If you are a music lover and your believe is "I love rock'n roll", you will hardly believe your eyes while entering in Rhoadie's Roadsters. This is a small clothes store located in Barbecue Caye. Yes, just a small store but full of everything you have always dreamt while listening to ...

Resident's screenshots: