Mimi's Choice
second life business card

Bringing you the best designers in Second Life, for ladies and gentlemen, all under one roof. Giving you personal service and care.
The best place in SL for skins, shapes, clothes, shoes, glasses, hair, etc.
For ladies and gentlemen, Im collecting the best brands on the grid.
Personal advice and make over.

Reviews of Mimi's Choice

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are ...

by Imogen Blinker

Ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about the temple of shopping, the top of all what Second Life can offer in terms of apparel for your avatar, the place that every fashionista knows and loves: we are talking about Mimi's Choice. Four large buildings joined by airy, glass barrel roofs, contain ...

Resident's screenshots:

A place that collects the ...

by paradossale Bellic

A place that collects the best names in Second Life, both for ladies and for gentlemen. Skins, shapes, clothes, shoes, glasses, hair and much more for us. Mimi's Choice is a big shop in a commercial Sim, where you will find everything you need to make your avatar the most beautiful ...

Resident's screenshots:

First impression at entering this ...

by arion Fanbridge

First impression at entering this store was how impressive it's sheer size was. There's plenty of walking room here and no clutter! Entering here was as if entering a real mall. Clothing was displayed in a wonderfully tasteful manner in the windows. This store seems to have limitless style and is ...

Resident's screenshots:

Here I am in "Mimi's ...

by Albe Watanabe

Here I am in "Mimi's Choice". Well, call this place just a shopping center is extremely simplistic. This is a very, incredible and amazing shopper's paradise located in a beautiful location. Here you can find, side by side, all the top brands of clothing, shoes, skins, animations for both men and ...

Resident's screenshots:

The most outstanding place filled ...

by Melodyrose Decuir

The most outstanding place filled with first-class collections that I ever saw. I am certain most of the Second Life fashion lovers will love Mimi's choice. This amazing person Mimi Juneau (the owner of Mimi's choice) thought of this idea 5 years ago. Mimi Juneau started as a little shop. Thanks ...

When you hear about Mimi's ...

by Bsukmet Stormcrow

When you hear about Mimi's it's easy to know what you are going to find: simply the best choice of clothing and accesories for men and women. This place is the closest idea of a fashion mall and a small paradise of good taste and refinement. Brands such as Jador Fashion, ...

Resident's screenshots:

Where to start about Mimi's ...

by Silky Eternal

Where to start about Mimi's choice? A lovely mal including tons of the best designers in SL. Some of my favourites are her Sensuelle - with some lovely lingerie and some free items. N-Core and their gorgeous shoes.OMG! BaxCoens's awesome boots, not cheap but gorgeous. Lollipopz hair, Orage gowns, Anubis Style, ...

Mimi's Choice is a big ...

by Dahlia Niosaki

Mimi's Choice is a big shopping district that collects the best brands od Second Life. Skins, shapes, hair, shoes, clothes, you will find everything you will need to customize your avatar and look fabulous! At the entrance you will find two teleport-boards (one for men, one for women) that will help ...

Resident's screenshots: