(red)Mint Fashion is one of the best stores in second life, the quality of their products are hard to find around Second Life. the store has a clean and charming surrounding, making your time there be pleasurable, the greeting area it has a nice green garden, that allows you to see ...
(red) Mint
second life business card
1 0 0 % N a t u r a l
Unique Hair styles and Detailed Skin, Sexy Appearance & Apparel, Original Accessories. All in touch with a Role-play, Fantasy, Urban original Style
A fresh style, a new fashion, redQueens newest Spirit -> tied to style and quality ©( R E D ) M I N T
Second Life address:
Magic Isle (128,128,32)
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
- Commerce / Shops / Skins, Hairs, Avatars, Eyes
- Commerce / Shops / Personal accessories
Website URL:
SL Marketplace page:
Reviews of (red) Mint
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Being a female in Second ...

Being a female in Second Life, you could ask every woman on here, what they love most and two of those answers will be hair and clothes. Female hair in Second Life ranges from so many varieties from being Fantasy, Role-Play, Urban, Original, Natural. (red) Mind Fashion brings you that. Personally, ...
Red Mint Fashion is a ...

Red Mint Fashion is a great place. The shop you can buy anything for the body. There is all kinds of body shapes. The selection is great and huge. Outside, I feel like I was in an enchanted forest. Stone floors, grass and trees and wooden benches are very charming accessories. ...