Most of the people especially females are interested in second life's fashion. So high quality clothes and items is usually what people search for in a store. But it was always difficult to find a good store. But since I found this good store called "Nils Island", dressing and looking good ...
Nils Island Store
second life business card
Womenswear collections,inspired from street trends and cat walk collections,real life looking fashion,also couture dresses,leather outfits are available,including themed outfits like 60s dresses inspired from mad men tv show,special holiday,halloween costumes.Lucky chairs and MM boards are available in the store,also free items are presented.
Second Life address:
Saint Lucia (228,111,22)
- Appearance and Personalities / Individuality Creation
- Commerce / Shops / Malls
- Commerce / Shops / Clothes
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of Nils Island Store
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Every day you can discover ...

Every day you can discover many new places, the endless opportunities it offers us Second Life, make us explorers, we are travelers and we always enjoy seeing new things and new places. Today, for example, I discovered a very interesting shop, Nils Island Store, it is a mega-store dedicated entirely to ...
Spring is here!! Well, for ...

Spring is here!! Well, for half the world at least.And if you are amongst the recently thawed ladies you might be realizing it is time to add some color and style to your wardrobe. Oh you fortunate girl, there just happens to be a place where you can have all the ...
Really cute place with plenty ...

Really cute place with plenty of designs and things to chose from, all kinds of women clothes including evening wear, socks, stockings, skirts, tops, leather, pajamas, fashion accessories, Halloween costumes, and printed designs. It specializes in all kinds of female clothing and they are pretty good designs, there's all types of ...
Nils Island Store has a ...

Nils Island Store has a huge selection of clothing, all of it very colorful, unique and well priced. There is so much to choose from in so many different styles. If you like flowered outfits, leather, tye-dye and more then you have to check this place out. There are three huge ...
Get ready for one of ...

Get ready for one of the most amazing collection of clothes for a sexy lady I have ever seen. First at all, the shop is huge, on a small island, with a lot of cute details. You enter inside and you'll receive a group invitation, useful for those who want to ...
I took a teleport over ...
I took a teleport over to the Nils Island Store today and I was very surprised. What a HUGE store! Despite the fact that it's very large, everything looks organized and very clean. The store immediately catches your eyes as you enter this sim. When you enter, you are informed about ...