Life Properties Group - Sales & Rentals
second life business card

~~ Stunning properties for sale or rent ~~
•• Zindra Adult & Moderate ••

From full sim to 512m
Ocean, beach, waterland, riverside, lakeside, hill side & top, roadside & flat green lands

We can often cut to your size & prim requirements

We are a small & new realtor ~~ we want it to work for you & us
So .... we work harder
We do everything we can to offer pleasing, comfortable
& as hassle free as possible homes & properties for rent or sale ~
commercial & residential

All rented parcels can be fully equipped with buildings, homes, gardens, furnishings, decor & animations ~ soft, hard, sex, dance,
or as basic as the bare land ... to suit your needs

Specialising in Water frontage & Protected
Adult rated mainland property

Property Sales & Rentals available ....

We offer:
Peace & comfort ~ Luxury & great value ~ Land & living

Contact: Evachangin Serendipity or DT Zanzibar inworld

Reviews of Life Properties Group - Sales & Rentals

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Life Properties Group in Second ...

by ZoeyPenelope Resident

Life Properties Group in Second Life is an Australian based land company. This land company rents both commercial and residential rentals. When you first teleport into Life Properties Group you are greeted by a purple sign that has Life Properties Group name on it. You can click the sign to receive ...

Resident's screenshots:

Find an excellent variety of ...

by SL Resident

Find an excellent variety of homes in Life Properties Group - Sales & Rent listings for homes for sale in attractive secluded areas. You will have access to the most comprehensive and timely listings of residential properties to buy or rent. Life Properties Group offer you the widest range of land ...

Resident's screenshots:

The Life Properties Group offers ...

by jpetrov Resident

The Life Properties Group offers high quality property sales and rentals to the residents of Second Life. Life Properties group can also adjust to meet your needs. No more worrying about having to settle for a property that isn't perfect. You can get a property adjusted to your size, with the ...

Resident's screenshots: