The Flying Hawk Ranch
second life business card

The Flying Hawk Ranch can offer you a variety of activites for you to do, from free horseback riding, to ice skating. The beautiful snowy lodge can offer you a cozy spot to sit and relax, chat, or dance. There are secret coves to explore, romantic cabins or sky boxes to rent, or plan your wedding.
Roleplaying and holo suites will be coming soon.

Reviews of The Flying Hawk Ranch

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

As I enter this land ...

by fabz bing

As I enter this land I am greeted by a great view over the The Flying Hawk Ranch. Looking around a bit I come across A very nicely made house surrounded by a well made fence. The houses on the ranch are made to a top quality. The textures on the ...

Resident's screenshots:

Get out of your everyday ...

by Elias Hornbridge

Get out of your everyday life full of stress and come to the Flying Hawk Ranch! When you arrive to the ranch, first you see is gate welcoming you to the ranch, teleport to get all over the ranch and nice wooden cottage! The cottage is very beautiful! Enjoy the fireplace ...

As you enter this ranch ...

by XxMixedEmotionxX Resident

As you enter this ranch you will charmed by this good looking place!. The flying hawk ranch is a great sim waiting for you to explore it. This sim is mostly winter themed since the ground is mostly covered with snow (in a good way). The owner (Catherine Fairlady) has cared ...

Resident's screenshots: