There are some places in Second Life where your first reaction upon entering, is an audible WOW! As you allow your view to pan around, you come to the realization that this is going to take some time to properly explore. As you begin to stroll you might even smile to ...
Jaqueline 4D
second life business card
Make your body looks better!. we have fantastic and professional skins and shapes, hair and a lot of accessories to fit your body!
Second Life address:
Jaqueline Beaumont Island (236,113,27)
- Commerce / Shops / Tattoos
- Appearance and Personalities / Skins, Hairs, Avatars and Eyes
Website URL:
Reviews of Jaqueline 4D
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
One of the stores that ...

One of the stores that offer affordable looks for your Avatar in Second Life is, Jaqueline's 4D, her store is big with everything you need to make your Avatar look great. Men and women will find a great selection of clothes and accessories for all occasions. The selection is huge, come ...
Be yourself whenever you want
Today ...

Be yourself whenever you want Today I took a stroll down to Jaqueline 4D. Jaqueline seems convinced 3D is no longer important, 4D will make you look even more beautiful. And I agree. If we can be the most beautiful we want to be in SL, why not? As you teleport ...