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With easy ways to join to your groups, no group limits, RSS feeds, lightning-fast message and item delivery, and no annoying chat spam, Subscribe-O-Matic is your tool of choice.

Reviews of Subscribe-O-Matic

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

In my job as a ...

by SL Resident

In my job as a blogger, I am well aware of how well Subscribe-O-Matic can help to promote a business, and how well it keeps customers up to date on sales and new releases. This innovative tool helps a business owner by-pass the Linden Labs group limit, and allows a business ...

Resident's screenshots:

Dear sellers, perhaps many of ...

by paradossale Bellic

Dear sellers, perhaps many of you have already had the opportunity to test this innovative system of interaction with your clients, or at least you all have got to see it in other stores. For those of you still do not know it, I tell you only learn this new system. ...

Resident's screenshots:

In this site you will ...

by Bsukmet Stormcrow

In this site you will find a range of products related to the service Subscribe-O-Matic. Thanks to them you will enjoy services such as automatic group invitations, sending objects distribution of your magazines, informational announcements, and more with or without group membership requirements. Check out the information available at the store ...

Resident's screenshots: