Shareholders FAQ

There's some questions asked by most of customers interested in buying our stocks:


What is exact time of the IPO beginning?

IPO will starts on Monday, May 16, 3 AM SLT.

How to buy the shares?

Basically, the whole process is like following:

  1. Create account with SLCAPEX
  2. Add funds to this account
  3. Buy the shares

SLCAPEX provides excellent help notecards in several languages.

Also, we've prepared the step-by-step illustrated instructions to help you to register and buy shares: click here.

How to get the Rewards mentioned here?

The bonuses will be added to your SLBiz advertising balance (and to GroupCast balance, too) when the IPO finishes. However, if you have a demand to start advertising right now, please contact us.

I'm afraid of dealing with all these SL marketplaces and banks!

First of all, you don't deposit your money with the marketplace. Instead, you buy and own the shares.

This means that you don't depend on the marketplace at all: we shall keep the list of our shareholders, and you still own the part of the company, regardless of any circumstances. We've put a lot of work into our Second Life projects, and shall never leave our shareholders alone with the problems.

Glaznah Gassner's answer: I'm working in Second Life since 2007, have launched a lot of programs and plan launch the new ones in the future. My good name costs much more than money since thousands (yes, it's thousands!) of SL business owners trust me and my tools.

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