Club ToniX
second life business card

ToniX is a club where whe play all kinds of music also we rent out our club for private or public events. stores are under construction.
anything is negotiable. still looking for dj's and hosts.

Reviews of Club ToniX

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Club Tonix is one of ...

by raktul Resident

Club Tonix is one of the most joyful clubs of the Second Life. The charming effect of the atmosphere and the feeling of the music, will rock your body.

Everybody knows that Second Life is a place for fun and best way to live, it is to hang out with your ...

Resident's screenshots:

This place is exactly everything ...

by Dydra Darkthief

This place is exactly everything a night club should be, from the popping neon lights glowing around the entire room to the streaming music blasting out of the speaker system the DJ has hooked up to make you groove to the beats he has pumping out. Psychedelic colors keep this room ...

Resident's screenshots:

"Club ToniX", in my opinion, ...

by PrincessNaKia Resident

"Club ToniX", in my opinion, is a great club to book for an event or just a place to go if you want to have a good time. The club has two floors and a very modern design. The floor of the second level of the club is completely composed of ...

Resident's screenshots: