F-Tech is a quality business that has many products for a sim owner,renter,dance club owner and more. In Second Life its hard to find a good dance machine,F-Tech provides by far the best looking dance machine for clubs that I have ever seen. They are animated and have particle effects. The ...
F-TECH Rental System
second life business card
The Best most popular and powerful rental system, Great for (Homes/skyboxes/land/ store...)
Easy to use / Configuration in one notecard, just few lines to setup this system for your needs, and rez much as you like on same parcel or more without lag.
No web plugin lag, no more Bot plugin all is integrated in one core script.
Pair button to connect with the {F-TECH} Doors/Windows/Security Orb/Rental vendor/Landsale info board….
>>>New Update to version 6.9.5, on 23/03/2024:
- Classic Group Url in chat invite/from menu + auto SmartBots invitation.
- Notifications by Emails
- Turn Notifications on/off
- New design included Rental Sign/Neon
- Set your LOGO on the Rental Sign v1/v2
- Scripts/communications revision
All components are self-registering, only one notecard to fill out
Pay per week/day: you can set the rent for weekly or daily payments.
Discount: allow you to give a (.%) discount if the tenant paid for (x) weeks.
Owner can Set a tenant from Menu.
Edit rent Time: add or remove days.
Email Notifications: set your email address to receive notifications once RentalBox's are paid and when the rent ends.
Notifications ON/OFF: you can activate or not the Emails notifications.
Add or remove a partner
Add or remove a managers: Manager can operate the Rental Box
Auto Arrears mode: only the tenant can pay the box, but all time spent in arrears mode will be subtracted from the rent time.
Lock mode: no one can rent when locked.
Reserve mode: reserve for a friend or customer.
Tenants receive notcard info+ LM or gift when they rent
Give info notecard for anyone who touch the rentbox
Invite tenants to group automatically when paid, or from RentBox menu when rented. (DIRECT INVITE By BOT)
Specify the Role that you want to invite your tanents on your group.
SmartBots: invite Tenants and their partners to group when rented and eject automatically when finished.
Fully customizable
Choose between difrent models included (RentalBox / Rental Unit / Rental Sign / Rental Neon)
Customize your own Textures
Set your LOGO to be displayed on the Rental Sign
Pair “link” with Door, Window and Security Orb.
Split profits with others or transfer 100% of money paid on this Rental box to your Alt.
Hovertext: Display or hide the text Hover the Rental box (touch>menu>hovertext) and you can hide names, prims, times one by one or all at same time.
Prim counter: Only one prim counter per parcel needed it will be connected to your rental box’s to count tenants and their partner’s real prims.
Reports: overprims, arrears, tenancies, vacancies, group join or ejected…
Tenant(s) over prim limits receive optional warning IM’s.
Exclusion count: Count renter prims or count everyone but your prims & managers.
Configurable warning times to tenant and owner separately.
*if you have a SmartBot juste add your info in the setting notcard (Group Name / Security Code).
*if you don't have a SmartBots you need to Register to creat an account here: ( http://www.mysmartbots.com/?by=4741922 ) to get your own Bot or visite my store inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Balanvi/164/141/1110
********SmartBot service 79L$/week********
For Builders:
Get the full perm "Doors" scripts to demonstrate plugin functionality to make your own stuff for F-Tech Rental system to be paired with this Box.
buy it here:https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/F-TECH-Doors-API-Open-source-for-Builders/5017118
Second Life address:
Balanvi (157,148,1110)
- Land services / Commercial rental
- Land services / Shops rental
- Land services / Residential rental
SL Marketplace page:
Business Images
Reviews of F-TECH Rental System
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Second Life is a virtual ...

Second Life is a virtual world which has limitless opportunities for everyone. Among these opportunities, one of the most attractive feature is to open your own business. Various business options are available such as, open your own club, start your own real estate virtual agency and many more. F-TECH is working ...
F-TECH is a location in ...

F-TECH is a location in Second Life that sells various rental systems. This is a very good market in Second Life. There are so many places that require these to place in front of rental homes or businesses. They are very easy and convenient to use. All the person has to ...