Roman Games
second life business card

He have the following Games (Spilen, Jeux, Giochi, Juegos, Jocuri):
No Devil, Quince, King Bing, Solitaire, Zyngo, Deal, **New Game: Align5**.
On a Full Sim with No Lag and is a Fair Place.
Our runnning contests: Re-Play, Top20, 30m Contests + Rewards.
We also have JADED Kickers like Ballz, Sticker, Zuno, Jtris,...

Business Images

Reviews of Roman Games

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

How many rooms game are ...

by paradossale Bellic

How many rooms game are there in the Second Life? there are very many of them, we have certainly had occasion to visit a lot of them. Many people love the game, they enjoy spending time playing with the many game machines that are available for us. Who among us has ...

Resident's screenshots:

Roman Games has plenty of ...

by Sofi Faith

Roman Games has plenty of games for everybody in a beautiful environment that's influenced by ancient rome. As you arrive at the landing area, you are surrounded by arrows painted on the ground that guide you to the games you are hoping to find. They even provide a few free games ...

Resident's screenshots: