Immortal Nights Group
second life business card

The friendliest new club on the grid. Events 7-9pm SLT everyTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Relaxed atmosphere to enjoy a fun time with your friends. Live Djs
Located in the high traffic Zoha islands business district. Shops for rent on individual parcels for you to sell you creations:) For more information please contact: Riley Aerallo

MetaBiz Reviews of Immortal Nights Group

The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:

Immortal Nights offers leisure services ...

by Rayzorf Resident, September 23rd, 2012

Immortal Nights offers leisure services and locations to sell your personal creations in a major business district area of high traffic. Since we always try to do daily events and already have very good shops and customers, you will never be disappointed. You can find events every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ...

Resident's screenshots:

The first thing I noticed ...

by Aidan Rosenberg, August 01st, 2012

The first thing I noticed upon teleporting to Immortal Nights at Business District Charlie the amount of open space and how each area has content relevant to the club, rather than pointless objects placed everywhere and leaving the place cluttered. The design is simple, but simple and chic making the club ...

Resident's screenshots:

You're teleported outside of Immortal ...

by RenatusUpborne Resident, July 30th, 2012

You're teleported outside of Immortal Nights Group, in the front parking lot. Now I know what you're thinking "a parking lot how is that classy?" and it normally wouldn't be if it weren't for the beautiful cars parked there that in RL dollars go for six figure amounts. This isn't one ...

Resident's screenshots:

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