"Engineering for the Universe Inside the Metaverse". Gridworks is a small shop located on the lovely Book Island sim (for those with lower graphic setting give it a moment to rez, it is worth the wait). On display at the shop is copies of their Second Life magazine. The magazine has ...
Grid Works
second life business card
A digital media company focusing on the use of 3D immersive technology and other online tools in the engineering/public works/government industries.
Second Life address:
Book Island (196,190,36)
- Media / Blogging
- Advertising and Marketing / Advertising in internet / Real Life
- Media / Magazines
Website URL:
Reviews of Grid Works
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
The possibilities found on Second ...

The possibilities found on Second Life are really fantastic, and this place shows this. It's a place related with everything linked to the media mechanisms. Here you can have contact with publishers, editors, authors, printers writers to take hints or bring your work as blogs, magazines, books, stories and others to ...
A journal dedicated to those ...

A journal dedicated to those who seek to use Second Life and other virtual worlds and web technology in benefit of real life science and engineering. It was first launched in 2007, under the name of SLEngineer Magazine. At Grid Works store one can find diverse items that will get your ...