Whether you are a demon or an angel, a fairy or a bird, or simply somebody who likes wings, you should check this store out. The store is big enough to walk around and get a good look of everything displayed on the vendors. Slap the vote box and get your ...
Pardoes Absolutely Different Wings
second life business card
Everybody agrees: Pardoes makes incredible different wings, remarkable wings (over 200 different designs), absolutely unique wings, HUD controled wings, Lucifer wings (biggest wings in SL)! Also special particle gadgets, exclusive tattoo's, original clothes, everything Pardoes design! Great service and support.
Second Life address:
Putiki Fold (199,253,54)
- Appearance and Personalities / Clothes
Reviews of Pardoes Absolutely Different Wings
The following reviews has been written by Second Life residents:
Here is a shop dedicated ...

Here is a shop dedicated to wings. Pardoes Absolutely Different Wings holds the promise of its name, offering wings of all types, shapes and colors. The beautiful pictures and few examples in world, here and there, amaze you and certainly the only problem here is that it's not possible to decide ...
Have you ever wanted to ...

Have you ever wanted to fly?Ever wanted to soar above it all,feel the wind beneath your wings?Well, if you have,you're going to be needing a set of wings,and fortunately for you,there is an absolutely fantastic place to get that essential item, Pardoes Absolutely Different Wings. Whether you are just wishing to ...