SL Business Directory Testimonials

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Crazylatin269 SecretSpy, "C & L Supplies" owner, wrote:

I use slbiz2life advertising service and am glad i did. Visitors have come to my store a lot. I use the guaranteed visitors, and it works great for me.

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Cliff Chesnokov, "CC Designs Mall" owner, wrote:

I have been using SLBiz2Life for only a short amount of time just under a month i think, however my traffic to my mall has increased so much with it, and it also has brought in customers as the store owners have all reported great sales.

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Miracle Gurbux, "Miracle Incorporated Animations" owner, wrote:

SLbiz2Life provides the best advertising methods in Second Life. If you are really looking to get more sales for your product(s), I would recommend you use the unique advertising programs here at!

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TheBlackNightPanta Galaxy, "Mitobobo" owner, wrote:

I have used 25 Free Guaranteed Visitors in my land (Mitobobo's Land) and it's awesome!

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