Submit Your Business

Business Owner Registration Form

To create a Business Owner Account for free, please fill the following short form. After registering, you will be able to list your business within SL Business Directory, and get access to all features we provide for business owners.

If you want to know more about advertising with MetaBizList, click here.

1. Account Information
Desired login name:*
MetaBizList password:*
Please do not do not use your SecondLife password!
2. Contact Information
Second Life login:*
Do not use your display name, specify your SL login.
Confirm email:*
3. Personal Information
Please specify your actual country here
First name:
Last name:
Specify either your real name, or Second Life first and last name.
This name is not published anywhere and will be used only in emails we send you.
4. Referrer
Referred by:Customsculpties Leider