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16. DR Designs DR Designs

Men and women clothing stores for rent and gaming.

17. Liberty Games Liberty Games

Liberty City Games – The Spot. The Nook. The Alcove. The Joint. The Lounge. The City. The Village. The World in World. The Universal Game Oasis. —Where Gaming is your Leisure and Intensity is Your Pleasure.

18. Games Challenge Games Challenge

The most comprehensive game room in SL.

19. The Phrase that Pays - Get Paid to Play The Phrase that Pays - Get Paid to Play

The Phrase that Pays is a fun and exciting puzzle game. Perfect for attracting visitors to your location and keeping them engaged. It is so easy to play and features multiple payouts. Each month the top 100 players compete for the Mega Jackpot prize.

20. Mermaid 80's rock club and shopping mall Mermaid 80's rock club and shopping mall

The Mermaid 80's Rock Club is a dance and social venue set in the grounds of a large site known as the Mystical Dominion (region is Dark Lands), with direct links to an undersea mermaid world, and an ice skating rink, and joins onto a set of shops spanning three levels, known as the Mermaid shopping mall. The dance floor and surrounding areas (including courtyard) features a trivia machine, sploder, drinks bar, jukebox, games, bowling alley and freebies.

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