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Second Life business directory

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56. WritingProfessorJudyM Proofreading/Editing Service WritingProfessorJudyM Proofreading/Editing Service

I will analyze organization of ideas and use of transitional devices. In addition, I will offer suggestions on content to be included or excluded, formatting, and wording and phrasing as needed. In addition, I will correct grammatical errors. I will provide the original document in Word format, and will utilize the “comment insert function” to provide recommendations for corrections and revisions, which allows the customer to see corresponding suggestions to the original text. I will also provide the revised document without comments in Word format.

57. [Sheba] [Sheba]

Accesoires & Shoes for Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra,GenX

58. Stag Men Monthly Stag Men Monthly

Stag Men Monthly is a new themed and original Men's event in second life that provides high-quality designs to the men of all shapes and sizes and even ladies. Designs from clothing, hairs, accessories, mesh bodies and furniture/decorations.

59. Senses Advertising & Dating Services Senses Advertising & Dating Services

we offer a large range of advertisement boards and dating boards for all our visitors. we offer stores for renting too.

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