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36. Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts River Boat Dance Club is found on Mystery sim. Come and join us at events daily for fun, laughter , wonderful music and sploder action. Great atmosphere, great music, great People. See you there. ( events at 12 or 1pm daily and occasionally other times. See the board outside the Queen of Hearts for further information. )

37. Warrior Instinct Nations

Full conglomerate entertainment sim featuring Boxing, MMA, Date Auctions, Talk Shows, Live Singers, Dance Offs, Dj Battles, Karaoke, Fashion Shows and so much more.

38. VirtualSL Job Agency

Here you can advertise your job or you can find a job for you.

39. Exposed Jobcenter

Exposed Jobcentre Looking for a Job? Looking for Staff? Here at Exposed Jobcenter Employers can place their ads and people will find the job they are looking for. dancer, host, dj, Manager, photographer, security, model, and other jobs Exposed Club

40. Second Life Jobs Agency & Advertising

Welcome To Second Life Jobs Agency. get yourself a real paying job today. We are the biggest Groups in SL, we have many job offers for you everyday. please join our group and post/recive job offers from all over the grid. our advertising service is the most powerfull,and the membership is 100% free.


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